921.03 Required Verification at Redetermination for Medical Leave from Employment or Inactivity due to Seasonal Employment (FAM)

SR 20-23 Dated 08/20

Previous Policy


If at redetermination a parent is experiencing a medical leave due to their own health or is caring for the other parent of a common child living in the household or another child living in the household, the parent must provide a signed and dated statement from the employer, or the individual, if self-employed, stating the individual is still considered employed and will be able to return to work following the medical leave.


If at redetermination a parent is not actively participating in the employment activity due to a seasonal break in employment, the parent must provide a signed and dated statement from the employer, or the individual, if self-employed, stating the individual is still considered employed and will be able to return to work following the seasonal break in employment.


If the parent fails to provide the required verification above, the NH Child Care Scholarship eligibility will end and child care will close.


References: He-C 6910.09(p)(1), RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), 45 CFR 98.20